Eye Disease Due to Lack of Vitamins

Vitamins are substances that the body's metabolic needs, the research found, that quite a lot of eye diseases are always closely related to the lack of vitamins. Because vitamins can not bersintetik in the body or the lack of synthetic, so it should be immediately necessary to absorb vitamins through food diversity is very important for the prevention and treatment and reduce the symptoms of certain eye diseases. Then, eye diseases anything that would be caused if the lack of vitamins?

1. Lack of vitamin A. Can cause night blindness pernyakit, Xerophthalmia and cornea softing. Manifestations is blurred vision in the light of a rather dim, dry eyes, fatigue and others. Because the physiological effects of vitamin A deficiency is associated with visual impression of the dark, he could combine his name redopsin a substance inside the eye, redopsin have an important effect on the maintenance adjustments visibility is good and normal, associated with the maintenance of the integrity of skin structure and accelerate the development of growth. If immediately filled with egg yolk, milk, meat, pocai (sort of spinach-like vegetable), tomatoes, carrots, chicory, fish, fish oil, animal liver and so on., Can improve symptoms mentioned above.

2. Lack of vitamin B1. Easily arise Xerophthalmia, optic neuritis or orbital optic neuritis and so forth. Manifest dry eye, decreased vision, dilated pupil, slow to react to light, are interested in pain when the eyes move, the hollow eyes felt tight and sore and so forth. Because the main physiologic effect of vitamin B1 is to accelerate the process of cell metabolism, particularly related to the function of nerve conduction. Should be filled with foods rich in vitamin B1, for example rice fur, wheat flour, the type of bean meal, animal liver, beans, pumpkin, sprouts, potatoes, apricot seeds, walnuts and so on. Very useful for reducing symptoms of the disease as mentioned above.

3. Lack of vitamin B2. Most of the time can cause inflammation of the visual nerve, eye rash, inflammation of the lining of the eye and so forth. Manifestations is decreased visibility, eye afraid of light, tears flow, congestion lining of the eye and so forth. If you frequently eat foods rich in vitamin B2, such as yeast, food, dairy products, beef, animal liver, soybeans, pocai, spinach, mushroom, sunflower seeds, and fruits and so forth. will be able to help prevent and treat symptoms of the disease.

4. Lack of vitamin C. Can cause bleeding in the eyelids, anterior chamber, vitreous body, eye retina, and even can cause cataracts, and so forth. Because the main benefit of vitamin C is to maintain the formation of intercellular substance, following oxidation reactions restore the original arrangement of cells and other metabolic reactions in the body, and has a softening effect of blood vessels. Therefore, when vitamin deficiency, can cause bleeding of the eye, as mentioned above.

If you can eat more green vegetables and fresh fruits, will be useful to prevent bleeding at the whole body and the eye. Because vitamin C can weaken the light and oxygen to the damage to the eye lens (cataract associated with the occurrence of disease), so multiply that eating foods rich in vitamin C, may slow cataract disease

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