
Exercise to be healthy. Lots of exercise to be healthy. Suggestions for the health benefits of sport as it surely must have often heard. Sport is an activity to train one's body, not only physically but also spiritually (eg chess).

Exercise is a healthy lifestyle that should make it a habit since childhood in the future for our bodies to be healthy and not prone to disease. Because our bodies are getting older automatically durability will decrease. With the sport would hinder the decrease in endurance.

Some of the benefits of sport for our health:

1. Improving the ability of our brain.

Exercise can increase oxygen levels in our blood and accelerate the blood circulation in our body, especially to the brain. This is believed to enhance the ability of our brain.

2. Delaying the aging process.

The aging process is a natural and inevitable, but with sports in the process can reduce its speed.

3. Reduce stress

In this present human life stress is a disease that often come to us because of the pressures of life, work pressures, economic pressures and problems of another life. With exercise we can reduce levels of stress in our lives.

4. Improving our immune

Sports activities can increase the hormones in our brain such as adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine and endorphins, which are hormones serve to enhance our immune system.

5. Adding self-confidence

With regular exercise we can control our weight, so that we can achieve our ideal body weight gain and body postures that are directly proportional to increase our confidence.

With so many health benefits of sport for the course, we must implement this healthy lifestyle for the sake of our own health.

Copyright 2010. Sport News

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