Archery or archery is an activity using the bow to shoot arrows. Until now no one knows, since when people started shooting. People just assumed that archery has done mankind since thousands of years ago. But of the books on writing say that ancient people have been doing archery namely using a bow and arrow to hunt and to defend life. Even in some books are written, that the tribe Neanderathal have used bows and arrows more than tens of thousands of years ago.
Archaeological experts in a dig in Egypt also has found evidence of ancient Egyptian body of a soldier who met his end because it penetrated the child panah.dan of the data shows, that the incident occurred about 2100 years before masehi.dan until approximately the year 1600 after AD, bows and arrows is the main weapon of every country and nation to war.
Until kinipun there are still tribes who use bows and arrows in their daily living, such as tribes in the forests of the headwaters of the Amazon river, the Vedic tribes in the interior of Sri Lanka, Negro tribes in Africa, Irian tribes in Irian Jaya, Dayak tribes and tribal faction of the books and testimonies obtained by then there were two groups of experts who proposed two different theories.
The first argues that the arrows and bows began to be used in human civilization since the "era mesolitik" or roughly between 5000 - 7000 years ago, was a second opinion believe that archery is earlier than that time, namely the "paleolithic era" between the 10,000 - 15,000 years ago.
Regardless of what is right, then clearly that before the archery meet its form as a sport as we know it today, it has been through a long period of growth. Through a different role, at first people used archery as a tool to defend themselves from attack dangers of wild animals, as a tool to search for food, or for hunting, for new weapons of war and later served as both as a recreational or sporting achievements.